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Innovation lives where the status quo dies

DZ Ep 100 – Are You Serious? 100 Episodes? Cameron Mills is Back Talking Aunt Jemima, Statues and A Few Pet Peeves

A mostly fun episode for our 100th – Cameron and I tackle the recent changes to Aunt Jemima brand pancake syrup and why it’s probably a good thing. We also discuss a few of our pet peeves in life. Some of this episode is super important stuff all Americans need to be thinking about, some of it is just fun and silly – which we all need right now too. Thanks for being there for us through 100 awesome episodes, we look forward to dishing out 100 more “hot takes” in the near future!

Leland and Cameron

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  1. Linda Slovik

    June 19, 2020

    Leland Conway, you showed yourself immediately to be a condescending jerk who cannot argue correctly by labeling those people who disagree with the changing
    of the labels as “whining.” No, they have valid complaints, and you are arrogantly being dismissive
    of them. So, as soon as I heard that line from you, I
    turned off your podcast. You have some of the worst
    bias/lack of a valid argument that you claim the mainstream media has. Pull that log out of your own eye first.

    • Leland Conway

      June 19, 2020

      Linda, Thanks for giving the podcast a try. I appreciate your comments and thoughts. I’m sure other episodes will have something we find common ground on. Have a great day and thank you for the feedback!

DZ Ep 100 – Are You Serious? 100 Episodes? Cameron Mills is Back Talking Aunt Jemima, Statues and A Few Pet Peeves